Hugo Release 0.74.0

Native JS Bundler, Open API Support, Inline Partials

Hugo 0.74.0 brings blazingly fast native JavaScript bundling, with minification, tree shaking, scope hoisting for ES6 modules, and transpilation of JSX and newer JS syntax down to ES6. And more.

July 13, 2020

Go to Hugo Releases for the release downloads.

Featured Image for Native JS Bundler, Open API Support, Inline Partials

Note: The documentation site isn’t updated with all of the main new things below. We will get to it soon.

This release comes with native JavaScript bundling (and minifier), with import support (from node_modules etc.), tree shaking, scope hoisting for ES6 modules, transpilation of JSX and newer JS syntax down to ES6, JavaScript/JSX and TypeScript/TSX support. And it’s very fast. Benchmarks rates it at least 100x faster than the other JavaScript bundlers included. This new feature is backed by the very impressive ESBuild project by @evanw. Many thanks to @remko for the integration work.